Donation Center

Thank you for considering a contribution to the Idaho Democratic Party!

Idaho Democrats are powered by grassroots donors from across Idaho. Your support as a contributor allows Democrats to talk with voters and share our vision for Idaho.

There are many ways to contribute to the party, through donating your time, as well as making a one-time or recurring monthly gift.

Make a One-Time Donation





Donate Other Amount

Become a Member

Becoming a monthly member is the best way to support Idaho Democrats with small donations that add up over time. Our monthly memberships provide the Idaho Democratic Party with the stable revenue we need to plan for the future with confidence.

Join the DEM Club

The DEM Club has quadrupled in size in the last few years. The hundreds of members who contribute the equivalent of 2 or 3 morning coffees a month have allowed the Party to employ a year-round organizing strategy that talks directly with voters about our values, year in and year out.

Organizer – $5/month

Grassroots – $10/month

Activist – $25/month

Leader – $50/month

The Giving Society

The Giving Society funds the Party’s growth projects and is bringing the Idaho Democratic Party to a new level. Giving Society Members receive special recognition, invitations to exclusive events and quarterly updates on the Party’s work.


$1,000 or $85/month


$2,500 or $210/month


$10,000 or $835/month


$24,000 or $2,000/month