2024 Presidential Nominating Process
Presidential Caucus
The Idaho State Democratic Party will hold a Presidential Caucus to select a presidential preference and elect delegates to the State Convention on Thursday, May 23. The County Caucuses will take place from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. local time and will be hosted in meetings assigned by county parties statewide.
Please note that as we enter the planning and implementation phase for the Idaho Democratic Party Presidential Caucus and Delegate Selection Plan, more information will become available on this page.

Presidential Candidates
Key Dates
February 1
Request forms for those who cannot participate in person and delegate nomination made available
March 1
Final date for County Chairs to file their County Caucus location with the State Chair
May 1
Last day to apply to be a state delegate on the ballot for the May 23 caucus. Applications due at 5 p.m. MT
May 16
Last day to apply for a ballot if someone cannot attend in person for one of the approved reasons
May 23
County Caucuses to select presidential preference and elect delegates to State Convention
May 23
Ballots for those who cannot participate in-person due to State Party by 8 p.m. MT/8 p.m. PT
May 24
Filing opens to run for a national delegate spot to the Democratic National Convention
May 31
Filing closes to run for a spot to the Democratic National Convention
June 22
State Convention convenes and Elections for national delegate position are held
August 19-22
2024 Democratic National Convention
Frequently Asked Questions
From 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (local time) voters will be able to go to a caucus location in their county. They will check in as either a registered Democrat or an unaffiliated voter who signs a pledge to participate only as a Democrat. They will then be given a ballot with the choices for the Democratic nominee for president. They will also on that ballot vote for the delegates pledged to that nominee at the state convention. They will then put their ballot in a ballot box and leave the location.
No. This year, the caucus will NOT look like what most people probably think of when they think of a caucus. There will be no speeches or dividing into corners or reallotments if a candidate fails to 15% of the vote. This should ensure that this is accessible to as many people as possible.
Every county must have at least one location. We are currently working with the DNC to see if there will be a population requirement for larger counties to have a certain number of locations based on population. Larger counties like Ada, Canyon, Kootenai, and Bannock should expect to have more than one location. However, times are not flexible and all voting must happen from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. local time.
The only voters who can participate in the caucus are registered Democrats and Unaffiliated voters who sign a pledge that they are participating as Democrats and have not participated in any other party nominating contest for President.
We will also allow anyone who is 17 and will be 18 by the general election date to participate. We will also allow people to register and change their party affiliation at the caucus location.
Those that are unable to be part of the process due to those serving in the military, those with a disability or illness preventing participation, those who are not able to take time off from work or obtain child care, out-of-state students, those with inability to travel to a caucus location, and other reasons may submit a request to the State Party and the State Chair will consider all reasonable requests and provide reasonable accommodations to those that need it. Requests can be made by submitting a request form on the IDP website beginning February 1st, 2024 and until 5pm MT on Thursday, May 16th. Ballot must be returned by 8pm local time on Thursday, May 23rd.
You do not need to attend the state convention in person if you plan to run for National Delegate. You do however need to file for a delegate position no later than Friday, May 31. However, there will be NO virtual option for the Delegate Selection process at the 2024 State Convention so to vote you must either give your proxy to someone or attend in person.
At the end of the caucus, the county chair, or a designee, will tabulate the Presidential vote totals. For any candidate to receive any delegates to the State Convention they must receive at least 15% of the vote in the county. The chair, or designee, will then tabulate the total votes for delegates to the State Convention. These totals (Presidential vote + vote each delegate got in the county) will then be communicated back to the state party. The party will communicate back unofficial results. The next day, county parties must mail or deliver ballots to IDP HQ to be kept for not less than 2 years.
No, the Idaho Democratic Party Presidential Caucus does not include an uncommitted or write-in option. Participants may choose from the listed candidates on the ballot.
In February of 2023, Chair Necochea sat the 2024 Affirmative Action Committee. This committee has put together a plan to reach out to minority and underrepresented communities in Idaho and educate them on how to and encourage them to run to be a delegate to the state and national conventions.
The DNC requires, and the committee has submitted, representation goals for our delegation such as African American (1), Hispanic (5), Youth (9), people with disabilities (4), LGBTQ (2), Veterans (4), and Labor (2).